Sunday, 4 September 2011

Nichollas Hamper .The King of Cups.1985

1 comment:

  1. Terence Mullaly. The Daily Telegraph jan 29th 1985.
    "Unhampered Style"
    Nichollas Hamper is a young artist who has gone his own way. He has done so, as we can see from his first major one man exhibition at Fischer Fine Art, in a fashion both witty and with potential. Hamper was trained at the Slade School of Art and then at the Royal College of Art. Early on he displayed originality and won several travelling scholarships and prizes. He took himself of to Paris, Italy, America and Australia.
    His works at Fischer Fine Art,which certainly are not paintings, but neither are they sculpture in any convential sense of the term, are very much the product of Hamper`s own ingenuity. Within the conventional shape of a picture he builds up constructions and then paints the whole area.Hamper creates a world of his own. He is bold,even crude. his colour is strong, there are intense blues and flaming reds and the paint is applied roughly. At the same timean element of the insouciant runs through all his work. Hamper uses ordinary images such as helicopters, ships and gasometers. Often he paints the bold simple shape of a cup or goblet. then he superimposes a block of wood. He paints other images, sometimes upside down, on it. Ther is astricking impression of three dimensions. He has also been intrigued by tarot cards and they are perfectly recognisable. We are made to look at the world in a fresh way. This points to the greater strength of what hamper is doing at the moment. The point is Hamper, despite his rough methods suggests something mysterious behind every day appearances. It will certainly be worth watching how he develops.
